In other news, I got my first PAZZLES DT project finished and out the door in a box on its way to headquarters. I am so glad that is off my plate for now. The next assignment will arrive by the end of the week, so I don't get to sit back for too long. I can't share the project for a while so when I can finally "release" the images, I will post here. Of course, at some point the project will be posted at the PAZZLES website....then I will link it!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
She's BACKKKKK...and prettier than ever
In other news, I got my first PAZZLES DT project finished and out the door in a box on its way to headquarters. I am so glad that is off my plate for now. The next assignment will arrive by the end of the week, so I don't get to sit back for too long. I can't share the project for a while so when I can finally "release" the images, I will post here. Of course, at some point the project will be posted at the PAZZLES website....then I will link it!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Sad sad day
Now, she isn't perfect. Now we have one less raccoon in the neighborhood and a big crack in my bumper. I wasn't driving by the way.
We are very lucky the air bags didn't deploy, but that doesn't make me feel much better. I can drive her, but it makes me feel sad to do so. It's probably weird to be so attached to the car, but there is a LOT of sentiment behind it and that is what makes me sad.
Friday, November 30, 2007
My other job....
The girls at work thought it would be a good idea for me to take a photo of myself with my first check from the PAZZLES design team (All the info is blurred out to protect the innocent). So today I finally cashed my little $5 check and thought I had better take a quick photo. Now, I was not planning to do this. I figured it seemed kinda silly, after all, it's only for shipping our projects back to the company. But, it is proof, that someone out there, other than my friends and family, thinks that my creations are worth looking at...and I am not talking about putting together paper and embellies (that is part of it), but creating the computer files to make those embellies and dimensional's that thousands of others will be purchasing to use with their machines. Now, the reality is that after three years of using the machine at work, there are hundreds of pieces of "me" in a scrapbook somewhere in the world. World I say, because I know some of my designs have been shipped to people in other countries (the cut paper versions, not the computer files.) I know of a few title cuts that reside in Michigan too! OK, so long story short, I am creating and getting paid for my "intellectual property" and it's pretty darn cool!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
A good day for FOOTBALL
Football 07
Friday, October 5, 2007
Running in more ways than one....
Monday, October 1, 2007
Sports scene....or lack there of
Since it rained the entire weekend we did a lot of TV watching and house cleaning. I got the all the thrift sale stuff from my basement sorted and priced. I tackled the closet later in the weekend and I am just about ready to sort through my craft stuff to purge a few "older" things.
I am currently on book 8 of 13 in the Janet E saga. I had to skip 7 because it was not available at the I will have to do a little backtracking in the story.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Happy Birthday Miss C-Don
Friday, September 21, 2007
Kitty cats
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Running and running and running
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Now, I have pictures
This is why there were no photos posted earlier, you can't even tell who is who. I know who they are...LOL The football photo is of Q in his first play of the game. We are GREEN. And in the running photo is N after the gun start. Also in GREEN. I had the good camera at Q's game and Peter had the old digi at N's meet. Oh well, here they are.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Buckshot run...I survived!
We did the Buckshot Run (a charity walk/run for Special Olympics) yesterday and we all survived. Nick (in red) actually ran the race and finished 3rd in his age group, not sure about the overall placement. Uncle Joel finished 1st in his age group and 6th overall. Quin (white hat) finished ahead of Aunt Kim, they both did a walk/run/jog thing. And Peter and I did the walk walk thing....very little running. I even did a little hop and twirl at the finish line....just for gave the crowd a laugh. Unfortunately my niece got a photo of it and she will be sending that along as soon as she gets time to upload and send it to me. That was our Saturday in a nutshell because after that I was too tired to do anything. With all the family in town, we did a lot of sitting around and yakking, so that was OK by me!
Hope you are having a fabulous weekend.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Weekend in Chicago
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Photos and things
Friday, August 17, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Three dudes and a lady...
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
CHA, the first trip!
Let me begin with my trip to CHA summer...AWESOME! I have been wanting to go for, well, it feels like forever, and I finally got to go this July. I would totally go again in a heartbeat! I loved seeing all the manufacturers in one place and doing the fun make-and-takes and meeting some of my Cyber pals. That was the best part. I don't care how nasty and jaded some of the people in this industry are getting, there are still genuine people out there who scrap. I was lucky enough to meet up with a few of them on this trip.
I also got to do a little driving downtown, something I have never done...and I didn't do too bad either. When we headed downtown on the 190 I got tired of driving in the stop and go traffic and decided to hit the next exit (6 exits before my GOOGLE directions told me to) and where did we end up?....right in front of OPRAH's studio! After a quick photo shoot in front of the sign we hopped in the car and drove into the city. We went past a lot of cool looking buildings and under the "L" and, well, all over. We ended our drive at the Navy Pier and cruised around there for a while, getting supper at the "Twisted Lizard" and watching the sun go down on the city (and got lots of great shots). Our trip back to the hotel was a bit more interesting. When we left the parking ramp we could see the fireworks in the sky over Navy Pier, so I drove back over so the girls could see it. Then we tried to find our link to the interstate....not an easy task....they apparently don't want you to leave....we drove down Wacker Ave and found a movie crew shooting a movie!! Not sure of the film just yet, but we will find out. Cruised past the SEARS tower and on to Adams Ave (which is where GOOGLE told me to go) which was supposed to link me to the interstate...NOT! I drove down Adams Ave for a while and...I am not sure...but I think we drove past a drug deal going down.....I went a little faster through there and headed back toward the city, found the exit and got back on the road. Whew, it was a blast.
Hope your day finds you scrappin'