Above photo is a quick snapshot of the line waiting to get into the FISKARS Warehouse sale we went to on Thursday in Wausau, WI. Lots of fabulous deals on paper, embellies and stickers. Not much for punches and tools.
Quin is running in his very first Mile run in Middle school Track. He finished 6th...whoohoo! A great first run. He is also doing the 800 and a relay. He is enjoying it.
And here is Nick at his 6th met of the year. He is doing well and keeping in the top 4 during most races. As long as he improves his time every race he will be doing fine.
OK, so you see what I have been up to and why I have been too busy to update. I can't keep up with all these things!! Blogger, FaceBook and more! When do I have time to actually create? Once in a while, check my crafy blog for that. SEe, I have three blogs to keep track of, two kids and a job......calgon, take me away..I wouldn't have it any other way.
See that's why I keep updating religiously, cause if I didn't I'm afraid I wouldn't know where to pick up. That' must have been awesome going through the Fiskars place. What'd you get? When we were down in CT yesterday I hit a scrappy store there that had a 30% off everything sale. Hard to keep myself under control and not just buy buy buy.
wow I would love to hit a good sale, I'm sure the wait was worth it.
Good Luck to the boys hope they have a sucessful year in running.
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