Monday, January 5, 2009

And, I am back....

Christmas was a FUN! I made sure the kids had to work for their gifts. Nick had to open several boxes inside his big box before he got to the real gift. But, inside each little box was a "little something" to make it a used candle, a Sharpie, a piece of wood and a Rock. Then there was the iPod in the last box.... somehow he managed to open that one last!! present (to hubby and myself) was a Wii. I wanted the FIT to, but that wasn't to be. I did purchase "Outdoor Adventures" and it is a total kick ass game. You have to move your booty a lot to move on to the next level and improve your score!! My knees and legs were killing me the next day...a lot of jumping, running in place and arm moving. I LOVE it.  Not that the other games are not totally fun, but I wanted it for the "moving" and playing part of it. 
This one looks hilarious!!Calvin Tucker's Redneck Jamboree
another ass kicker....gotta have itJillian Michaels' Fitness Ultimatum 2009
and the one we have....its good for all ages too.Active Life: Outdoor Challenge

So, other things going in in my life will be posted in future posts...I promise!


Carolyn said...

Work it Girl, work it! It's wii time!! hee hee

That first game looks like a good one. But it and let me know if you like it. I got your reviews on the Outdoor one, it looks like that one will be on the must have list.

Okay bedtime now. Chat soon!

Nancy said...

We have the WII Fit and we do need to build our game selection a bit. I will have to check out the ones you posted. They look pretty good.